welcome to the blog

abigail albers
Iconic Brimfield Barn

What luck to be driving through Brimfield, Massachusetts the same weekend as the Brimfield Antique Show? I swear I didn’t plan this it was just luck! We were driving from Michigan to Portland and we were literally driving right through the show so of course we had to stop. Unfortunately we had a flat tire […]

What to Expect at Brimfield Antique Show

House & Home

the other day i met my friend ashley and we took a stroll through this massive sunflower field near my home in west Michigan. it is seriously acres and acres of fresh blooms and the owner allows people to come and enjoy them and sells the sunflower 2/$1. that is what i just love about […]

Sunflower field with my mini man


Large Sunflower field with boden striped skirt toddler photo shoot in massive sunflower

our pentwater cottage has been about 7 years in the making. when we bought the house we thought it was going to be a one summer fixer upper. 7 years later we are finally hanging some of our pentwater art on the walls. what is it about hanging pictures on the wall that makes me […]

pentwater cottage art update

House & Home

Pentwater Michigan Vintage Cottage Art Update

what a weekend for markets! there were so many good ones going on! if you are not on my flea market email alerts list you can join here. we are all sharing our current weekend flea market hauls in my flea market insiders group. join the conversation here. the springfield antique extravaganza has been on […]

springfield antique market extravaganza haul

Style & Fashion

antique vintage clocks

if you have been following along on our southern trip over the last week you joined me in touring the most amazing antique store in alabama. i have been to alabama a few times and have never had the opportunity to go to this place until  yesterday. we had a gloomy morning and needed to […]

amazing antique store in alabama

Style & Fashion

Charles Philip Antiques Alabama

the snow is gone and the weather is warming up. it was the perfect weekend to go out and flea market! things are starting to ramp up and i’m ready for it. the antique malls around here are starting to look stale because nothing has been going on. as people get out of hibernation though […]

hunting for vintage treasure at kane county

Style & Fashion

Kane County Flea Market Treasures

TEAM OTTO’S HEART WARRIOR FUNDRAISER Michigan Wildlife Council Michigan Education Trust SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWSLETTER JOIN MY GARDEN CLUB FLEAMARKET INSIDER STUFF I’M LOVING LATELY latest from the blog [vcv_posts_grid source=”%7B%22tag%22%3A%22postsGridDataSourcePost%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22post_type%3Dpost%26amp%3Bpost_status%3Dpublish%26amp%3Bposts_per_page%3D2%22%7D” unique_id=”4c70880a” pagination=”0″ pagination_color=”#ececec” pagination_per_page=”10″]PGFydGljbGUgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0cy1ncmlkLWl0ZW0iPjxkaXYgY2xhc3M9InZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1mdWxsIHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS10aXRsZS1jb2xvci1iLTg0LTg0LTg0IHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1jYXRlZ29yeS1jb2xvci1iLTg0LTg0LTg0IHZjZS1wb3N0LWRlc2NyaXB0aW9uLS1zZXBhcmF0b3ItY29sb3ItYi04NC04NC04NCB2Y2UtcG9zdC1kZXNjcmlwdGlvbi0tZXhjZXJwdC1jb2xvci1iLTg0LTg0LTg0Ij48YSBocmVmPSJ7e3Bvc3RfcGVybWFsaW5rfX0iIGNsYXNzPSJ2Y2UtcG9zdC1kZXNjcmlwdGlvbi1saW5rIj48L2E%2BPGRpdiBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLWNvbnRlbnQiPnt7Y3VzdG9tX3Bvc3RfZGVzY3JpcHRpb25fZmVhdHVyZWRfaW1hZ2V9fTxzcGFuIGNsYXNzPSJ2Y2UtcG9zdC1kZXNjcmlwdGlvbi0tY2F0ZWdvcnkiPnt7cG9zdF9jYXRlZ29yeX19PC9zcGFuPjxoMyBjbGFzcz0idmNlLXBvc3QtZGVzY3JpcHRpb24tLXRpdGxlIj57e3Bvc3RfdGl0bGV9fTwvaDM%2Be3tzaW1wbGVfcG9zdF9kZXNjcmlwdGlvbl9leGNlcnB0fX08L2Rpdj48L2Rpdj48L2FydGljbGU%2B[/vcv_posts_grid] Copyright © [vcv_year] [vcv_blogname]. All rights reserved. Website by Bello Via | Branding by Wendling & Boyd

instagram friends

growing up i thought michigan was the most boring state on the planet earth. all i could think of was… robins and cherries. you know simple kid stuff. guys, not to brag about my state but i’m going to brag about my state. we have the most amazing fresh water beaches, 4 seasons (one however, […]

simple summer peach crisp

Food & Beverage

this weekend we stayed home and had time to lounge around the house and dare i say…relax?! guys it’s so hard for me to sit. i’ve alway struggled with rest because there is just so much that i love to do and it’s hard to stay in one place. but one thing i love to […]

lemon curd berry tart

Food & Beverage

i was making the schedule for the shop this weekend when it was there staring me right in the face. the lack 4 on a white square, the curser blinking waiting for me to type in workers names. october 4. next week. in some ways i feel like it’s all too soon and some ways […]

a season of rest


i know what now distinguishes the weekends from the weekdays. joe being home. seriously it makes such a difference when that man is home that it just makes things so much easier around here. someone to share the feedings, changings etc… also someone to be around so i can get out of the house and […]

weekend recap family time


the only distinction for me right now between the week and weekend is having papa joe home with us. the days just seem to blur together and just like that otto turned a month old this weekend. joe and i decided it was time to get out of the house which is easier said than […]

weekend recap ottos first penthouse trip


Explore all the resources so you too can start gardening, even if you live in the city.

The farmhouse garden club

start where you are



I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
