thirty seven weeks


July 12, 2017

yesterday was wild friends. wild. we went in for our last meeting with the specialist for an ultrasound and check up and yep baby goldfish is breech. head is snuggled right up into my left rib as suspected. little bugger. i knew it going in that it had not flipped it has been stuck there since i can’t even remember when. i literally can rub it’s head right by rib cage which is kind of funny. i seriously asked if it was going to be born with a rib print in it’s head. we got to see it’s cute little scowl and folded arms too. like it’s mother, goldfish does not like to be bothered much while sleeping.

after talking to the doctors we decided that the safest (and really only) route of delivery is for a c section. it was absolutely wild that we scheduled our baby’s birthday. the plus side of this is that we were ale to schedule it when all of the doctors and specialist needed were going to be on duty. which will also be the best for goldfish.

honestly i thought i would be a little more scared of this whole process but scared isn’t the right word. it feels… off? when i first found out i was pregnant (ages ago in november) i thought a c section would be awesome. no labor pains, no anxiety, no pushing… but something weird happened in birth class last week after watching the live birth i kind of wanted to do that. it was like i had just got my mind changed when i found out that we couldn’t do that route anymore. does that make sense?

regardless i’m not overly stuck on one way or another. i’m very thankful for an amazing doctor team at the maternal fetal medicine center and how sensitive and knowledgable they are. they have been so kind, patient and understanding throughout this whole process and i’m grateful for that. so with that said get ready to meet the little goldfish JULY 27!!!!


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  1. Cyndy Rosenberger says:

    It is inevediable that when your stomach has been cut you need to sneeze,cough, clear your throat… anything that uses those stomach muscles. Here is something no one told me…. make sure you hug a pillow and crawl into bed with your knees first and sit first and lift your feet in. You can’t. You will do awesome. Just think you will not be all sweaty from delivery. You will look as fresh and when you went in. I have done it twice. Holler if I can answer questions. You guys will rock this. You have an awesome medical system and an incredible support system(larger than you realize. You need to feel ok with asking for help)

  2. Kallai Abbo says:

    I had a c-section. Honestly, after laboring one of my very good friends through her birth, i would have a c-section again a million times over. Positivity is the key to healing. Truly. However, I have been able to live normally and have had no complications. Good luck and HUGS!

Abigail Albers       Author

Abby is a wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe.. Follow her on instagram @adventuresinabbyland.

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