Canning & Preserving

It’s that time of year where the seed catalogs are starting to appear almost daily in my mailbox. Every season I pour over catalogs finding the best seeds for our home garden. This year I am going to be trying a few different grouping techniques in the garden including separating my vegetables and my flowers. […]

The Best Tomatoes for Canning

Food & Beverage

Fresh Garden Tomatoes

it’s june in michigan and that means… it’s time to start canning or “preserving”. every single year i go bananas thinking i’m never going to get to taste a single strawberry ever again and i can like a mad woman. like seriously if the apocalypse comes, head to the farm i have jam to feed […]

favorite canning resources

Food & Beverage

i took a canning class with my friend aimee about 7 years ago shortly after i got married and was in full on new wife duties. i had newly discovered my love of cooking, baking and all things food. don’t get me wrong i’ve always loved eaten it but even in growing up in a […]

simple easy canning recipes

Food & Beverage

let me start out by quoting queen bey, I don’t think you’re ready for this jelly. i love canning and i’m terrified of botulism. which is a conundrum for me. the first year i canned so much stuff and ended up throwing it all away because i was convinced it was laced with microorganisms that […]

natural vs. sure gel jam

Food & Beverage