Farm & Garden

On Sunday afternoon the sun was shining and the weather was tap tap taping on the door of 60 degrees. It was warm enough to all work out in the garden in our T shirts. We stripped down out of our carhartts and piled them on the garden chairs while we worked. It had been […]

Lessons In Beekeeping. Losing a Hive.

Farm & Garden

Michigan Winter Beekeeping

Joe and I happened to come in to sheep farming and I use the term “Farming” loosely. We bought this property about six years ago and bought these sheep off of craigslist in 2015. That is right, we bought this flock of sheep off of craigslist. Hindsight not the smartest move but three out of […]

What’s up with the flock?

Farm & Garden

Icelandic Sheep Flock of Sheep

i was working in my flower garden last night before dinner and it was HOT. i mean two bottles of water guzzled, dripping with sweat hot. I thought to myself, thanks a lot michigan, you went from being 50F and rainy for two months to 90F and blazing heat. regardless, plants are resilient and with […]

How to start a garden at Robins Flower Garden

Farm & Garden

starting a garden

a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a retreat held at the Leland lodge in northern Michigan. it was with a few other women from michigan who work in social media and it was a chance for us to escape and chat about the industry. i mean, you really can’t beat hanging […]

Idyll Farms Goat Cheese Tasting and Farm Tour


exploring leland michigan

This post has been sponsored by Purina ONE®. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I remember the day I convinced Joe that we needed a dog. It was a month before our wedding, and I had been in contact with a breeder on the other side of the state. Joe, being the practical one, […]

Healthy Food for Healthy Farm Dogs


rough collie dogs

i had the opportunity to cross something off of my creative bucket list this month and that was to take a floral class with kalin from Sweetwater Floral. if you are not following her on instagram you are missing out. she’s witty, funny and smart. the total package. I love growing my own flowers each […]

how to make a simple floral arrangement

Farm & Garden

Simple tricks for floral arrangements

this is my third year of beekeeping and my third hive i’ve had to start over with. beekeeping is not for the faint of heart and i feel like i’ve been learning something new as i go each year. there is nothing more disappointing than checking your hive in the spring and realizing that they […]

beekeeping results from 2018

Farm & Garden

beekeeping 2018 honey harvest

it’s nice when your hubby gets on board with your garden projects. for the longest time joe was not really interested in my garden aspirations until he started getting home made pizza. he really jumped on board when we put the fire pit in the middle of the garden and started spending our summer nights […]

2019 garden plans and my secret planner tool

Farm & Garden

vertical garden

lambing season is a lot like gardening. you learn as you go. joe and i bought our first “OG” sheep about 4 years ago from an ad on craigslist. we were not going to buy them that day but they were outgrowing their current yard and we thought meh now or never. so we put […]

2019 lambing season

Farm & Garden

2019 lambing season

I am busy planning out the structure of my garden because I can’t plant yet. This year I’m working on maximizing the space I have in my garden by growing vertical. Last year my garden club pals built these obelisks but the winter really did mine in so I took them apart and used the […]

new additions to my vertical garden

Farm & Garden

vertical garden

Joe and i spent most of the day yesterday cleaning and prepping our garden for planting season. april is not usually this nice and we had a great weekend of 60 degree weather. it felt soo good to be outside in light weight clothing with the sun on our face. we made quite a bit […]

3 investment tools for your garden

Farm & Garden

3 investment tools for your garden

ok i finally have tracked down last years seed orders so I can tell you what I started from seed in my 2018 garden which i’m just going to declare my best garden to date. I had someone start my seeds in their commercial green house and i split them with some friends because lets […]

what i grew in 2018 in my garden

Farm & Garden