
Marinated Dehydrate Tomato Recipe

Food & Beverage

Marinated dehydrated Tomatoes

I’ve mentioned a million times how many tomatoes I have but I feel we are finally coming to the end. I have made ketchup, marinated them with toasty bread, made sauces and salsa galore. Last on my list is Canadian ketchup (new recipe) but any stragglers are going to be made into these marinated dehydrated […]

Homemade Tomato Ketchup Recipe

Food & Beverage

Homemade Ketchup from the Ball Canning Book

Allow me a moment to share the saga of this ketchup. I had this post and recipe all typed up and ready to go last week and when I hit “publish” it was gone. Disappeared and nowhere to be found. I needed to take a step back from my rage and disbelief and now here […]

Marinated Tomatoes with Goat Cheese

Food & Beverage

Olive Oil And Tomatoes

I will always remember the night that Joe and I spent in Italy under the starts of an old patio with 4 other strangers and a chef enjoying hot bread and pasta that we had just prepared all together from our cooking class. It was one of those nights you see in a movie. Laughing […]

Zucchini and Onion Dip

Style & Fashion

Raw Zucchini Onion Dip

Do you know what I have included in part of my last meal? French onion dip and baked lays. Do you know what I have an abundance of right now? Zucchini. I have been picking pounds and pounds of zucchini since late June and I was running out of things to make with it. I’ve […]

Peach and Plum Galette

Food & Beverage

Rose Time

We had a casual outdoor girls night on the farm a few weeks ago and it was more needed than I could have ever realized. We popped open a couple bottles of wine that Pomelo Wines sent to me for sampling and I made a very simple dish of marinated tomatoes and a peach and […]

Soy Marinated Blistered Shishito Peppers

Food & Beverage

Soy Marinated Shishito Peppers

I think that shishito peppers might be my most favorite new vegetable I’ve introduced into the garden this year. They have a nice sweet heat and we have been tossing them with olive oil, salt and pepper and roasting them at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes until they’re soft and blistered. We then either […]

Burrata Cheese with Creamed Corn and Sugared Peaches

Food & Beverage

Peach Basil Sweet Corn Buratta Cheese Appetizer

Sunday evening joe and I found ourselves with an abundance of produce from the garden and after a long day of working around the house we were in the mood for some appetizers! I picked up some peaches from the kalamazoo farmers market on Saturday and I was dying to make this recipe that I […]

Making Elderflower Cordial From Foraged Elderflowers

Food & Beverage

Making Elderflower cordial

I love the phrase “if it grows together it goes together”. Right now on the farm we have wild blackberries, mulberries and elderflowers popping up all over the farm and I am scurrying around trying to pick them before the birds do. I often find myself quietly talking to myself as I pick them. More […]

Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe

Food & Beverage

Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe

The only good thing about ramps not being in season anymore is that it means garlic scapes are. I dice these up just like I would ramps into my eggs and quiche although they are a little bit tougher than the ramp leaves so sometimes I give them a little sauté in the butter. Garlic […]

Homemade Mint Ice Cream

Food & Beverage

Homemade Mint Ice Cream

Word of warning: Mint is addictive as well as super invasive. Addictive: I can’t stop finding new varieties I want to grow (of which I buy and do). Invasive: Grow it in a container or it will take over your entire garden. I couldn’t help myself when I passed a road stand that had all […]

Small Batch Quick Strawberry Jam

Food & Beverage

Homemade Biscuits and Jam

I about fell off my chair in excitement when I saw that one of my favorite farm stands was just starting to pick their first batch of Michigan strawberries. If you haven’t had one before, get in your car and come get some. They are tiny little berries that have enormous sweet flavor. Sure a […]

All things Sourdough, Starter, Discard Bread and More!

Food & Beverage

Things to make with Sourdough Discard

Joe’s cousin posted on facebook a few weeks ago that she had sourdough discard available to anyone who wants it. Joe and I then hopped in the car and made the 45 minute drive to her house to pluck it from her mailbox. We’ve since been keeping “puff daddy” our starter alive by feeding it […]