
Fall Apple Picking Activity with Toddler in Michigan. Janie and Jack Red Toggle Jacket. Pumpkin House

Fall Apple Picking Adventure in Michigan


On Sunday afternoon my little family and I went on a much needed fall adventure together to Cranes apple orchard in Fennville, Michigan. It was a crisp fall day, overcast and a bit windy perfect for running around, blowing off steam and stress from the previous week. While I had the dream of my family […]

Family photos To celebrate otto's 2 year anniversary from Surgery

two year surgery anniversary


I don’t even have to close my eyes to remember exactly where i was at this time two years ago when otto had his open heart surgery. It was hot and Joe, baby Otto and I went for a walk to dinner in downtown Grand Rapids before we headed to the guest room at the […]

Little Boy at Garden Center Save the Bees Shirt

Anger and Character


I have been feeling the call to share some things that have been on my heart with you today. It’s a big week for us. It’s the 2nd anniversary of Otto’s heart surgery. I went to a prayer breakfast this morning where a friend of mine shared a very personal and vulnerable story with us, […]

A beginners guide to Ironstone

A New Collectors Guide to Ironstone


I’m not quite sure when I came across my first piece of Ironstone but somehow it’s exploded into yet another collection, go figure.  Unlike Jadeite or Pyrex Ironstone can be a little harder to identify. Jadeite is known for it’s green translucent color and Pyrex has it’s signature patterns Ironstone has several different makers and […]

Renewal Spa Visia Analysis Machine

Operation Dream Skin with Renewal Skin Spa


I have been really trying to take care of my skin. A few years ago I started noticing sun spots on my hands and cheeks and I started to wear sunscreen every single day on my face and hands. With how much I am outside during the day it was much needed. You can visibly […]

Liz Marie Blog Wrote a Book! I am so excited to celebrate the launch of her book at the found cottage this weekend!

My Friend Wrote a Book!


I am so so excited for this weekend at The Found Cottage! We are going to be celebrating the launch of my friend Liz Marie’s BOOK! When we first met about 6 years ago I knew that she was going to do great things and I’m so excited to see the hard work she’s put […]

Heirloom Cotton Sheets made by Father daughter duo in Alabama. Redland Cotton 1920s bedding.

Heirloom Cotton Bedding Made in the USA


Is there anything more cozy than new fancy sheets? I equate new sheets to the same feeling as a warm meal by the fire or a hot bubble bath on a sunday night. It just feels good. My friend Anna from Red Land Cotton reached out to me this summer about trying out some of […]

Large Sunflower field with boden striped skirt toddler photo shoot in massive sunflower

Sunflower field with my mini man


the other day i met my friend ashley and we took a stroll through this massive sunflower field near my home in west Michigan. it is seriously acres and acres of fresh blooms and the owner allows people to come and enjoy them and sells the sunflower 2/$1. that is what i just love about […]

Otto wearing janie and jack on the farm

otto feeding update


it’s been a while since i did an update on otto’s feeding progress. he has grown leaps and bounds over my last update so much so that many of my newer followers had no idea he was primarily g tube fed. which based on where we were last year is an absolute blessing. about two […]

The Found Cottage Mercantile Market

A quick guide to Holland and Grand Rapids

House & Home

The Mercantile Market is less than a week away and we cannot WAIT to welcome you to the Ottawa County Fairgrounds for our third market event. With so many friends coming from out of town I thought it I would share some of my favorites in the area. I put together this quick guide to […]

ottos baptism

Otto’s Baptism Party


it seems like just yesterday may was here and we were on the brink of summer. the skies were start dark in the early evening and it was just not quite warm enough for shorts. now here we are in august with summer racing towards fall and i feel like everything that seemed so far […]

Raising a Toddler. My Baby is turning two years old and I can't believe how fast time has gone.

Otto Craig is Two


I blinked and my baby turned two. the year between one and two has been nothing short of amazing and a blessing. yes, we had our struggles but it has been a true gift to have a year free of surgeries, and a bombardment of appointments. this year we have been given six months between […]