welcome to the blog

abigail albers

can we just talk about yesterday?!?! the most surreal crazy wonderful day of our entire lives. honestly let me start off by saying thank you so so so so so much for the continuous prayers and encouragement throughout the day. there is no way yesterday would have went as good as it did without the […]

welcome to the adventure otto


so yesterday was one of those days where nothing went as planned. i was about to leave for the gym when a coworker popped in and said aren’t you coming to the meeting this morning. trying to play it cool i was like you bet! texted nikki my trainer that i’m an idiot and i […]

chicken break

Farm & Garden

ok i won’t spam you today with more pictures of our newest lamb… just kidding hahaa. i can’t stop it’s too cute. it was so hard to leave and come to work i just want to play with it all day. it’s so curious about the world and has such a funny personality i could […]

finally friday lamb edition

Farm & Garden

surprise!!! we are in napa. it was a pseudo on a whim trip half planned half not. we had the flight and hotel booked for a while but seriously packed the morning we left and reserved everything on our cell phones. i felt very millennial about that. we arrived at 11am CA time which was […]

finally friday napa edition


Explore all the resources so you too can start gardening, even if you live in the city.

The farmhouse garden club

start where you are



I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
