welcome to the blog

abigail albers

It’s been 5 years since I last wrote an about me. We had just moved on to the farm and it was just joe, me and the dogs. Fast forward 5 years and we have sheep, chickens, gardens and of course otto. Life has a funny way sometimes of changing all at once.  I hate […]

About Abby

Before I get started on this post I want to preface it by saying it does not bother me at all when people ask me if we are going to have another child. I choose to look at it from the standpoint people must think we’re doing a pretty good job with Otto that we […]

Yea it just might be us three.


Red Jumpsuit Poppy Field

This week brought back so many memories of when Otto was a newborn and I was desperate to get out of the house but we had to be careful because he was pre surgery and in heart failure. The farmers market always felt like (and was) a safe place for us to go. Every Wednesday […]

Midwest Farmers Market Report June

Style & Fashion

Safety at the Farmers Market

Back in March we were geared up and ready for all of Otto’s appointments. We had a sedation appointment scheduled for his kidney ultrasound, ekg and echocardiogram with followups with both doctors that afternoon. Then Covid 19 started trickling into our community and everything shut down with the snap of a finger and it was […]

Appointment Day in the times of Covid


Otto in the tulip farm Holland Michigan

Last week Joe and I had the opportunity to attend a charity gala fundraiser for the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital in Grand Rapids. This was our first time attending and it was an overwhelming experience being there as a family who needs the frequent care of that facility. ⁠ In the past I would give […]

When you donate to charity


When you fundraise and donate to charity you are helping families of all kind that are in need

I blinked and my baby turned two. the year between one and two has been nothing short of amazing and a blessing. yes, we had our struggles but it has been a true gift to have a year free of surgeries, and a bombardment of appointments. this year we have been given six months between […]

Otto Craig is Two


Raising a Toddler. My Baby is turning two years old and I can't believe how fast time has gone.

first, happy happy, the happiest thanksgiving to you all. thank you for the minutes you spend checking in on us over here at the farm seeing what we’re up to and engaging with us in the day to day. your comments, your time spent, your prayers, we are just so profoundly grateful for you all. […]

happy to be here


i was laughing to myself the other day as i was going around decluttering my house and organizing my books. i was getting to the “baby cookbooks” i bought before otto was born, before the “heart thing” before we knew what we were in for. i laughed at myself for a moment. not only did […]

9 things I wish I knew about food aversion


i remember everything about the day you were born. i remember waking up one year ago today and feeling you roll around tight in my stomach too big to go much of anywhere else. i remember placing my hand on my ribs by your head and just knowing that in a few short hours you […]

happy birthday otto


here we are at eight months. a little over actually i’m never on time. but i’ll say what i say every month.. HOW IS MY BABY 8 MONTHS OLD!? i was talking to a friend the other day about how fast babies grow and it just seems like having a human around that is changing […]

otto craig is eight months


i can’t believe it. my baby is 7 months old. i think i say that every month but i just can’t believe how fast and slow time goes at the same time. this past month we have made so many changes and steps and new milestones it’s unreal. i feel like things are just going […]

otto craig 7 month update


i think i am safe to say that i am nearing the end of my flu journey. hopefully it’s the only flu journey of 2018. i managed to make it until mid february so i’d say we’ve had a decent run? i honestly can’t tell you the last time i haven’t left my home in […]

friday flu style


Explore all the resources so you too can start gardening, even if you live in the city.

The farmhouse garden club

start where you are



I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
