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abigail albers

The Latest

my name is abby and i’m a plant hoarder.   i also have no plans for recovery. once the spring air hits i start making the rounds (usually over my lunches) to stop at my favorite greenhouses for something new, interesting, heirloom and unique. yesterday over lunch a few of my pals from the found […]

favorite plant sources

Farm & Garden

Explore the must reads

Explore all the resources so you too can start gardening, even if you live in the city.

The farmhouse garden club

start where you are



I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
