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abigail albers

The Latest

what a weekend. i mean like seriously. i’m going home because i have to. i am going kicking and screaming though because i am in my element here. the people are my people and the food is fantastic. i don’t wanna go home. i’m going to try and break this down as best i can. […]

weekend recap wine country edition


surprise!!! we are in napa. it was a pseudo on a whim trip half planned half not. we had the flight and hotel booked for a while but seriously packed the morning we left and reserved everything on our cell phones. i felt very millennial about that. we arrived at 11am CA time which was […]

finally friday napa edition


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Subscribe here for my full growing instructions and favorite varieties. Let’s go get our hands dirty!

How to begin your own flower garden

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I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
