Farm & Garden

We are already in the tail end of June and the garden is finally starting to take off. For the longest time I was growing (see what I did there) impatient with how slow things seemed to be taking off. It seemed like the more care and attention I gave things the more they resisted […]

June Garden Tour

Farm & Garden

First Cutting of Fresh Flowers

I have never grown my own herbs from seed but this year I thought why not I have the time? Now I have over 20 different basil plants to distribute over my garden because I couldn’t decide on just one variety. This year I have sweet basil, thai basil, lemon basil, lime basil and purple […]

How and Why to Grow Basil

Farm & Garden

Pots of Basil

I don’t think we’ve ever been this far ahead in our farm to do list ever. We have been using every spare minute to tackle our projects around this farm and it feels good. The garden is almost completely planted, the roses are dug, the sheep are sheared, the chicken coop is cleaned…. For the […]

Vertical Investments for the Garden, One Year Review

Farm & Garden

Empty Garden Titan Squash Tunnel

I hate thinning out my seedlings but it’s a necessary action to keep your garden healthy and thriving. A few days ago it was finally time to thin out my radish seeds that I planted back in the beginning of April. I walked out to the garden in the morning before otto and joe were […]

Why do I need to thin out my garden seedlings

Farm & Garden

radish seedlings

It will always amaze me how fast kids can adapt. We are closing in on 7 weeks of being home and by week 3 otto knew we just wave and talk to people through the windows. When my parents came over to drop off some groceries Otto ran to the door and never crossed the […]

Visiting Pigs

Farm & Garden

Visiting Papa Craigs Pigs

When Joe and I decided in early March it was best for us to start staying home we got plans in place to keep us busy on the farm over the weekends trying to go out as little as possible. As time went on and it became more of a realization how long this might […]

Mrs. Rabbit Our Newest Farm Addition

Farm & Garden

Otto and our new baby bunny

When quarantine first started i thought it would be fun to raise some baby chicks with Otto. We could use a few more and it would give us something productive to do. I found out one of my friends sells a variety of bird..eggs. I agreed to buy them without reading the find print at […]

Hatching Baby Chicks What I learned

Farm & Garden

Our first baby chick hatching

The discussion lately in Garden Group (free group on Facebook for all things gardening) is that so many online garden seeds sources are sold out! Territorial Seed closed their website and sent an email that never in their 35 years of business have they ever had this type of overwhelming demand. While I’ll agree this […]

Online Garden Seeds

Farm & Garden

Plant Lady T Shirt from The Found Cottage

Yesterday morning we got a fun surprise in the mail! I had ordered dahlia bulbs around January and completely forgot about them. It was from a flash sale email and the price was too good to resist. ( like always, right?) Well, 30 bulbs might have been a little over zealous but they came in […]

Planting Bulbs for the Garden

Farm & Garden

Heart of a Lion Toddler T shirt planting bulbs in the garden

The one thing that has always given me refuge in dark times is my garden. It doesn’t matter if it was my small 4×8 bed at our old home in Byron Center, container pots on my patio or my garden now at the farm. There is something about watching seeds burst out of the ground […]

New Seed Starting Product for The Garden

Farm & Garden

Park Seed Bio Dome 80 Cell Double for seed starting

It’s hard not to over order seeds in the winter when everything is gray and snowy. It’s also hard to not order seeds when you are stuck at home social distancing yourself. It’s been astonishing to see the trickle down effects of the virus panics. First the grocery store shelves were ransacked and now even […]

My 2020 Garden Seeds

Farm & Garden

Poppy Seeds Harvested from Previous Years Garden

We took full advantage of the sunshine that Michigan has given us a bit earlier than usual and did some spring cleaning in the garden last week. it felt so good to have the sun on our faces and be out in the dirt working up a little bit of a sweat. Typically we do […]

Spring Garden Cleaning Checklist

Farm & Garden

Otto in the garden brush pile