
Rylee and Cru Sailboat onesie jumper

Free Fresh Air Activities in Holland Michigan


We were tired of zoom calls and staring at our computer screens. When we have not been working from home we’ve been working on projects all around the farm. We .. well, we were just exhausted. We typically go for a walk during Joe and I’s joint conference call but the other day we decided […]

Camera fun with toddler

Otto’s Feeding Journey Update


It’s been a while again since i’ve given an update on otto’s feeding journey. For those who are just tuning in you can read the full history here but long story short: Otto was born with a heart condition that made him have to work to hard to eat so he had an NG (feeding […]

Mama T shirt From the Found Cottage perfect Mothers Day Gift

Mother’s Day It’s Always been Complicated


When I was a child Mother’s Day was about stringing together a macaroni necklace or gluing some things to a paper with glitter at school, making a special breakfast and celebrating mom. The last 10-12 years of my life… well, it’s been complicated. As we grow up, naturally our eyes are opened to more life […]

Mothers Day Gift Guide for the Gardener

Gift Guide for The Garden Mama


As otto likes to say, “The sun came back today!” we are itching to get our work done so we can go soak up these 70 degree temperatures that the first day of May is bringing us. Many of us are going to be celebrating Mother’s Day while still sheltering in place and that is […]

Visiting Papa Craigs Pigs

Visiting Pigs

Farm & Garden

It will always amaze me how fast kids can adapt. We are closing in on 7 weeks of being home and by week 3 otto knew we just wave and talk to people through the windows. When my parents came over to drop off some groceries Otto ran to the door and never crossed the […]

Mama T shirt From the Found Cottage perfect Mothers Day Gift

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas From The Found Cottage


Overnight many small businesses have had to change their strategies. We have had to close our doors to the public, navigate unemployment and small business aide  with tons of loopholes and wait times. But we are doing it! The Found Cottage is moving forward and being creative and adaptive even if it’s not the spring […]

Mother's Day Ideas for Sheltering in Place Safer at Home

Tips for Celebrating Mothers Day At Home


Yesterday I was going crazy and had to do something to occupy Otto other than sit him in front of Peppa Pig while I answered more and more emails. It had been a zoom call/stare at your inbox kind of day and with the cold weather this week (and snow) we are all feeling cooped […]

Toddler Jellypop Easter BUnny Plush toy

Easter with Otto at Home


There were no church pews crowded with people in pastels and big easter hats. No scents of fresh spring hyacinths, daffodils, tulips and lilies filling the sanctuary. There was no vibration of voices shaking the walls with hymns of Christ’s resurrection. Just like the grinch who stole Christmas, it felt like for a moment that […]

Easter Basket Shopping while Staying Home

Otto’s Easter Basket from Home


It’s an odd year and the Easter Bunny is not excluded from the stay home, stay safe order. I had visions of Otto in his Easter Sunday suit running around with his cousins looking for eggs but that will have to happen next year. Honestly, that is not even the real reason of Easter anyway. […]

Toddler at home during Covid 19

Safe at Home


We are now entering our 22nd day of staying home (with the exception of a car ride). It is easy to feel alone and isolated because well…that is what we are but all of us are so in a way, we’re together in this. If you are able to stay home and doing so, thank […]

Hunter Toddler Boots

Otto’s feeding update almost there!


It’s been a while since we had a check in for Otto’s feeding schedule and I was elated when I sent in his current progress and they wanted to see him right away. We have been slowly cutting back about 10-15% of the g-tube fed volume each time and yesterday was the first time we […]

Happy Heart Month Valentine

Happy Heart Month!


February isn’t just for Valentine’s Day. In this house we celebrate heart month! Before Otto hearts were just a design and a symbol but now it all has such a deeper meaning to us. I’ve learned more about heart health than I ever thought possible and I learn new things every day. Heart disease is […]