
Raising a Toddler. My Baby is turning two years old and I can't believe how fast time has gone.

Otto Craig is Two


I blinked and my baby turned two. the year between one and two has been nothing short of amazing and a blessing. yes, we had our struggles but it has been a true gift to have a year free of surgeries, and a bombardment of appointments. this year we have been given six months between […]

Otto Fourth of July outfit

Six Inexpensive Summer kids activities in Michigan


I can’t believe summer is already half over in michigan. we have been soaking up every single ounce we can from parks to beaches. our weekends are usually jam packed with all the kids activities that there are to do around our great state. last year otto hated the beach so we didn’t do much […]

establishing healthy bed time habits for your toddler

Three Steps to Establish a Toddler Bed time Routine


This post has been sponsored by Cetaphil®. All thoughts and opinions are my own. The daylight is finally long here in Michigan and the second we get home we are outside working on the farm and garden. There is nothing Otto loves more than racing around on his little tractor riding through dirt and puddles […]

Otto with American Flag at a greenhouse

allowing myself to feel


it’s time for our whatever monthly reality check. we are currently about 4-6 months between cardiology check ups for otto and for about 3.5 of those months it doesn’t cross my mind that much because he is such a funny charismatic toddler. i still have a hard time believing my baby is now a toddler […]

Toddler in the tulips

Toddler Stuff


i should be done being surprised about the twists and turns of motherhood but still, somehow everything seems to still take me by surprise. i feel like each time i mourn the passing of one stage the excitement of the next takes over. however as otto is becoming more and more like a toddler which […]

Mothers Day Gift Guide

Mothers Day Gift Guide


Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend and this year is going to be so so good. I feel like there has been some pretty dark Mother’s Days in previous years for both myself and some dear friends but this year there is just so much to celebrate. A few friends that have been struggling […]

Mother's Day with American Greetings

An Extra Special Mother’s Day with American Greetings


This post has been sponsored by American Greetings. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Mother’s Day is the first day it really feels like summer in Michigan. There is typically a breeze that feels warm on the skin, letting you know that it is chasing away the last remnants of snow and cold. It’s […]

An Update On Otto

an update on otto


it’s been a while since i gave a full otto update. and to be honest it’s because things have been so good. we have received countless good news after good news that it’s easy to just celebrate and move on. which is so wrong because i don’t want to just share the dark. because right […]

dinosaurs and hot chicken


we have been having some pretty epic weekends around here lately. while we should be staying home and taking advantage of the melted snow and brown yard, getting ready for spring clean up around the farm.. we just don’t want to. exploring is so much more fun. and this past weekend was nothing short of […]

Fort Lauderdale and Miami Day Trip


we are back from our short and sweet trip down south where we escaped the cold and hung out a few days in Fort Lauderdale and Miami. i’m starting to think that short little trips are the ticket to a stress free mini vacay. if i’m gone too long from routine otto gets out of […]

mom and toddler


there is something that has been weighing on me lately. and that is pretty much the weight of motherhood. guys… it’s hard. it’s a lot harder than I could have ever imagined. i’m struggling with all of the emotions that come with being a mom in todays day and age. and well.. i’m struggling almost […]

joyful and triumphant


what a day friends what a day! i feel like now we can sit back and relax and really enjoy yet another holiday at HOME. whenever we leave an appointment with otto a song or poem or verse always comes to my head and just joyful and triumphant was just clear as day in my […]