Travel & Travel Guides

Shopping for baby gifts at Tweed Baby Outfitters Downtown Holland

Girlfriends Weekend Downtown Holland


What a treat to be able to get away with your girlfriends! That is exactly what I did this past weekend when my friend Ashley and I teamed up with downtown Holland to experience the official “Girlfriends Weekend“.  We relaxed, we sipped mimosas and coffee and we shopped until we danced. (don’t worry we dropped […]

My Favorite Coffee Shops in West Michigan


I am continuing with my campaign to get you all to come and visit Michigan. In addition to an excellent food, wine and beer culture (as well as an emerging cocktail culture) we also have incredible coffee shops. People joke that we have a church on every corner, I would argue along side them we […]

My favorite Michigan Restaurants

My Favorite West Michigan Brunches


It is my personal mission to get all of you to come and visit us in the great lake state of Michigan. Growing up I did not realize what amazing resources we have in our beautiful state. I thought Michigan was so boring and couldn’t wait to venture out to some place exciting like New […]

Outdoor Winter Fun in Northern Michigan

Northern Michigan Winter Fun in Leland


I have been asked a few times if we REALLY love visiting northern Michigan specifically the Leland area that much and I’m here to tell you, we REALLY love it that much. It is a beautiful historic place filled with nature and never ending options for activities. You can come up on your honeymoon or […]

Toddler in white janie and jack fisherman sweater in front of marthas vineyard in grand rapids

My Favorite Foodie Places in West Michigan


Wondering where some of my favorite foodie places in West Michigan are? Scroll down to see the full list! Outfit Details: my dream is that kjp would make this sweater in otto’s size so we could truly be matching. I picked up this KJP sweater on their black friday sale and I wish I would […]

The Found Cottage Mercantile Market

A quick guide to Holland and Grand Rapids

House & Home

The Mercantile Market is less than a week away and we cannot WAIT to welcome you to the Ottawa County Fairgrounds for our third market event. With so many friends coming from out of town I thought it I would share some of my favorites in the area. I put together this quick guide to […]

Friends at the Leland Lodge

Retreat at the leland lodge


if ever i’m given the chance to get up north i take it, especially if it’s to the leland lodge. joe, otto and i have gone there quite a few times and i feel like we have our little northern family up there. we know people by name now, we have our “spots” and we […]

exploring leland michigan

Idyll Farms Goat Cheese Tasting and Farm Tour


a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a retreat held at the Leland lodge in northern Michigan. it was with a few other women from michigan who work in social media and it was a chance for us to escape and chat about the industry. i mean, you really can’t beat hanging […]

Grand Rapids, Michigan Farmers Market in early June has swiss chard, asparagus and more

fun facts about asparagus at the fulton farmers market

Style & Fashion

one of the first vegetables to pop up for the spring and summer michigan farmers markets is asparagus. asparagus signals the start to summer and grows abundantly during the last few weeks of spring. We have been eating asparagus almost every night with dinner because right now it’s around $3/lb. some of my favorite ways […]

New Orleans Central Deli

New Orleans NOLA travel guide


i’m back to my normal routine (and almost pant size) from our trip to New Orleans earlier this month. you guys… the food, the cocktails, the people watching…the beneigts. amazing. if you are a foodie, then this is your type of place. in three days i walked over 30 miles just eating pretty much. eating, […]

three days in grand cayman


i’m back in the michigan cold after enjoying three full days in the cayman islands with joe. while it was technically for work we managed to have a good time and enjoy all that the island had to offer. i thought i would take a bit and spill all the details about where we went […]

northern michigan family getaway


well we are getting back in to the swing of things from our last family getaway of 2018 and spent it up in northern michigan. the more we go there the more i just fall in love with it and hope that each year i get to spend more and more time there. northern michigan […]