House & Home

Style & Fashion

the front of the headlines today are about a college student that was abducted by getting into the wrong car that she thought was her uber. friends we live in a scary time and I thought i would share some safety tips about buying antiques safe online. i am constantly scrolling to find treasure on […]

safety tips for buying antiques online

Safety Tips for Buying Antiques

House & Home

this weekend actually felt like spring. so close in fact that I think we are justified in saying that we did some spring cleaning at the cottage on saturday. we’ve been wanting to head up north but not only has it been a little cold, the cottage has not been completely finished. we bought this […]

cottage spring cleaning

otto weekend spring cleaning

House & Home

today is the day! we are opening the found cottage mercantile in hudsonville! we have had this empty space in the store for over three years and it was literally falling apart. we tossed around idea after idea on what to do with it. finally we decided to expand what we love. antiques! we hired […]

grand opening the found cottage mercantile


can i just start off by saying that i used to think that a parlor was a worthless space in a house? that is until we had a huge party and i ran out of room to store vintage treasures. this room connects the formal dining rom to the living room. it’s not a hallway […]

farmhouse parlor holiday decorations

House & Home

i have literally been here there and everywhere this weekend. my mom and left thursday night for columbus, ohio and went to the country living fair friday morning, left friday afternoon for their cottage in muskegon then joe and i headed to pentwater for the night and then back to new era sunday for my […]

country living fair weekend adventure

House & Home

two weeks ago we headed out to the midland antique festival. why i don’t know. we had so much to do around the house and it was raining but we went anyway. it’s always a gamble when it rains at a market. but there is also a chance of a big reward. you have less […]

my midland vintage haul

House & Home

you know those stores that you stalk on the social sites and dream about going to and shopping. lusting after each product that they post? (come on, it CAN’T be just me). well that was how i felt about freckle farm primitives in la porte, indiana. one rainy morning she posted a white and navy […]

freckle farm primitives

House & Home

it’s summer in michigan and that means one thing.. or maybe like ten things to me. flea market season. (and garden, pool, beach, cottage, farmers market etc season). i’ve been to maybe three or four markets already this summer and some were better than others. one thing is for sure though.. i never have a problem […]

3 tips how to find flea markets

House & Home

it’s been a long long time since i’ve been able to go to an actual flea market. not only because of time but because of the michigan gross weather. aka there are no flea markets (worth going to) in michigan while it’s cold. during the winter i pay many visits to antique stores to get […]

Kane County Flea Market

House & Home

you guys.. otto slept from 10pm-4am and then again from 5am – currently sleeping. what did i do to deserve such good luck? maybe baby boy is starting to realize his parents are so much more fun when they’re rested. and when they’re rested they can do more fun things like play with fall decor. […]

simple fall dining room decor

House & Home

oh long weekend thank you for being long. i feel like i have so many amazing things to cram into this post because so many amazing amazing things have happened this weekend. like, i don’t even know where to begin. probably with the mercantile market. because that has consumed almost all of the weekend and […]

weekend recap the found cottage mercantile market

House & Home

in between pumping and feedings and diaper changes we at the shop have been working all summer on one of the most amazing mercantile markets i’ve ever seen. and…. it’s coming up this weekend (friday and saturday). i cannot believe the amazing artists, boutiques and pickers we have coming from all over the states to […]

The Found Cottage Mercantile Market