
9 things I wish I knew about food aversion


i was laughing to myself the other day as i was going around decluttering my house and organizing my books. i was getting to the “baby cookbooks” i bought before otto was born, before the “heart thing” before we knew what we were in for. i laughed at myself for a moment. not only did […]

one year surgerversary


this day seemed so far off from where i was sitting last year at this time. i’ve been weeping all morning but a completely different kind of tears. it’s amazing when i close my eyes i can remember the smells, the lights, the exhaustion. all of it. it seems so close but so so long […]

my new favorite baby toy


i would love to say that otto is a minimalist baby and is perfectly content with a carefully selected few heirloom wooden block toys. he’s not. he’s like his mother. he is constantly moving from one thing to another and loves to explore and touch different textures with his hands and mouth. he is drawn […]



i’m sitting here quietly in my kitchen dinette area in my bathrobe because i don’t want to wake up otto by getting dressed and i have to get this off my chest. i’m going to level with you a minute. i’m overwhelmed. if you’ve been reading my blog since it started in 2009 this is […]

i exclusively pumped for a year


if i’m looking sad and forlorn in any of these photos it’s because i’m morning the loss of my once youthful breasts. can i say that on here? youthful breasts? well from youthful to useful i guess they went while i exclusively pumped for a solid year. thats right ladies and hopefully no gentleman. a […]

Ottos first birthday


well i think we’ve fully recovered from the wild one’s first birthday party. we had 90 of our friends and family (that’s right 90) over to our house friday night for what we called “ottopalooza” and that it was. we ate dinner outside on the most perfect summer night. different groups of friends mingled on […]

happy birthday otto


i remember everything about the day you were born. i remember waking up one year ago today and feeling you roll around tight in my stomach too big to go much of anywhere else. i remember placing my hand on my ribs by your head and just knowing that in a few short hours you […]

otto craig 11 months


are you getting sick of me saying i can’t believe my baby is “x” months old? well… brace yourself because i can’t believe my baby is over 11 months old and almost 1. i remember sitting on my bed where i am typing this now a year ago. 8.5 months pregnant sitting in my underwear […]

Otto Craig 10 months


do you know how long “take otto’s 10 month pictures” has been on my to do list? forever. well at least a month. and you know what? he is 11 months in two days. boo. so luckily i actually did take these pics with my friend ashley when he was actually ten months old. granted […]

enough of the mommy juice


can i be really real here for a second with you? i don’t know why i’m asking that because that’s honestly all i ever am and strive to be in this little corner of the internet. here is my truth: i am frantically racing against time. i have two jobs, a farm, too many hobbies […]

otto craig is nine months


well mom of the year over here is posting this almost a month late but in my defense these photos were snapped just shortly after 9 months. i think this just further proves my point that time is indeed flying by. we’ve been soaking up the warm michigan weather and playing outside as much as […]

being a mom


the thought of being a mom the past three mothers days have been a complete and change year after year. in 2016 the wound of our miscarriage was still very fresh and raw. it was honestly hard to celebrate and hard to recognize a day dedicated to something that was supposed to be. i realized […]