
enough of the mommy juice


can i be really real here for a second with you? i don’t know why i’m asking that because that’s honestly all i ever am and strive to be in this little corner of the internet. here is my truth: i am frantically racing against time. i have two jobs, a farm, too many hobbies […]

otto craig is nine months


well mom of the year over here is posting this almost a month late but in my defense these photos were snapped just shortly after 9 months. i think this just further proves my point that time is indeed flying by. we’ve been soaking up the warm michigan weather and playing outside as much as […]

being a mom


the thought of being a mom the past three mothers days have been a complete and change year after year. in 2016 the wound of our miscarriage was still very fresh and raw. it was honestly hard to celebrate and hard to recognize a day dedicated to something that was supposed to be. i realized […]

road tripping with a baby


we just completed our second road trip with otto and again he was an absolute dream. i don’t know if it’s our trips and tricks for the car, his g tube or him just being an awesome dude that made it go so easy but just in case it was our tricks and tips i […]

otto craig is eight months


here we are at eight months. a little over actually i’m never on time. but i’ll say what i say every month.. HOW IS MY BABY 8 MONTHS OLD!? i was talking to a friend the other day about how fast babies grow and it just seems like having a human around that is changing […]

Charleston Shopping Haul


forgive me… wallet. i went a little crazy in Charleston, South Carolina shopping. I couldn’t help it though. the shops were AMAZING. i’m no minimalist. admittedly so. my first question when i’m out in the middle of nowhere is…where do these people shop!? there were so many wonderful things about Charleston and i’ll do one […]

easter with otto


there is something so fun about the firsts of each thing with otto. while i had grand plans for the easter bunny, easter baskets… none of that really happened. and that is ok. we had a wonderful time. plus easter isn’t about that stuff anyone (but it still would have been fun to give him […]

otto craig 7 month update


i can’t believe it. my baby is 7 months old. i think i say that every month but i just can’t believe how fast and slow time goes at the same time. this past month we have made so many changes and steps and new milestones it’s unreal. i feel like things are just going […]

weekends on the farm


i think it takes just a really really bad weekend to make you appreciate and savor the good ones. two weeks ago it was horrible. i had the flu, otto had surgery, we had no hot water. .. i almost don’t want to say it out loud that we had a good weekend for fear […]

how to build a weekly meal plan


one of the things that has got me through this eternal winter as we hide out from cold and flu season is cooking at home. joe and i cook at home almost every night and there are a few tips and tricks to keep it seamless and most important on time. i can’t eat at […]

a weekend of hibernation


this was yet another weekend of hibernation. which it’s quickly becoming a season of hibernation. but after getting the flu and feeling how long it takes just to even feel like 90% better i have no desire for anyone else in my family especially otto to come down with this gross sickness. luckily i was […]

friday flu style


i think i am safe to say that i am nearing the end of my flu journey. hopefully it’s the only flu journey of 2018. i managed to make it until mid february so i’d say we’ve had a decent run? i honestly can’t tell you the last time i haven’t left my home in […]