
Christmas Eve Hope


“I can’t believe we’re (expletive) here again” I cried as I walked in to my mom and dad’s house and dropped my bag on their doorstep. We had just come from our twenty week ultrasound at maternal fetal medicine. Our hearts were full of hesitant hope and that quickly diminished as a familiar pattern emerged. […]

Welcome to the family Iris June! We have so many updates to share and this family of four has a lot going on!

Welcome Back


Welcome back friends! I didn’t think I would take a few years away. Let me just start with that. What started off as a might as well redesign my site while we have to frantically move out of our farmhouse for the remodel turned into a few years (for both projects). I’ve come to learn […]

Our Favorite Christmas Tree Farm in Michigan

On the hunt for the perfect real tree


These Christmas traditions are what make all the hustle and bustle of this holiday season worth it to me. We were never real tree people until Otto was born (funny how kids do that for ya) and ever since then we decided welp, time for a real tree. It was a happy decision not only […]

Pictures with Santa

Otto Meets Santa Claus


Just one more thing checked off the Christmas list, Ottos meeting with Santa Claus. This year Otto is all in on believing in Santa and he was adamant that he had to get Santa his list. When my friend Sarah announced she was doing mini sessions with Santa I signed us up thinking it would […]

Otto in the woods

Scavenger Hunt Nature Walk For Kids


One of my favorite things to do with Otto when we start to get a little stir crazy as the snow begins to melt is to bundle up and go for a long walk in the woods. Nature walks for kids and adults alike are so therapeutic and help clear your mind and relieve stress. […]

Sledding hill at leland lodge

Fun Things to do In Traverse City with Kids


This weekend we needed a break. We needed to get away and we were also without a baby sitter. We put our heads together and decided to head north with our little family and our son Otto to meet up with my sister and brother in law. There are so many fun things to do […]

Fun things to do during quarantine outside Michigan with Toddlers

Outdoor Activity: Exploring the Lake Michigan Ice Balls


This past week while Otto and I were cooped up in quarantine we decided to take a drive to check out the lake Michigan ice balls. I had seen the article on the news about them starting to form and thought.. what else are we going to do today? The sun was out and it […]

Sezane Sweater with Tulle Skirt

Twenty Valentine’s Day DIY Ideas for Friends and Kids


Valentines Day is most likely going to be spent at home for Joe and I. That means, it’s time for some Valentine’s Day DIY gifts! This is actually the one “holiday” where Joe and I opt to stay home anyway. In previous years the menus are always double the cost and super crowded. We have […]

Carhartt Apparel for Kids in The Winter

Practical Warm and Versatile Outdoor Gear for Kids


Winter has arrived in Michigan and we are being creative with finding fun things to do outside of the house. We’ve been finding many fun winter trails that involve tracking through the snow and ice. As much as I love the adorable knit snowsuits (and those have their place) when we are out to lake […]

Otto looking up at the biggest tree

Christmas Tree Hunting


The weekend before Joe went hunting we bundled up and went Christmas tree hunting our neighbors tree farm. It sounds a bit like a hallmark movie scenario doesn’t it? living next to a tree farm? Except I didn’t leave a big bustling career in NYC to return to rural Allegan to fall in love with […]

Zonderkidz book library

Otto’s Zonderkidz Library Holiday Book Guide


Thank you to Zonderkidz for sponsoring this post. All thoughts, opinions and reviews are my own. When Otto was a sweet little baby in the hospital we felt helpless as new parents. We didn’t know medical terms, we couldn’t hold him a lot and we were still learning about his heart condition and what the […]

Downtown Holland Candy Store

Ottos Gift Guide: Plastic Crap He Begs For


When I was pregnant I would scroll for hours looking at all of the beautiful handcrafted heirloom wooden toys on etsy. I dreamed of a mess free playroom stacked perfectly with well made stunning toys that would spark my babies imagination and turn him into a tiny little Einstein genius. I wouldn’t even get mad […]