
a family weekend with otto


this weekend will be our last weekend home as a family of three for a while as we gear up to hunker down and get otto better. it was a weekend where we were very intentional about everything we did, even when we were not doing anything at all if that makes sense. we rested, […]

how heart surgery day is going to go


yesterday was a big long day at the hospital for us. we got a full in depth tour and explanation of how our otto’s heart surgery day is going to go. i hope that through all of this if anyone else is going through what we are going through they get a chance to read […]

best baby shops


having a baby means many many sleepless nights. between feedings, changing and then pumping you have a big of time on your hands around 3am (especially if you have the hands free pumping bra – a true revolution). i have a new(er) bad habit now of ordering stuff at 3am and completely forgetting about it. […]

a season of rest


i was making the schedule for the shop this weekend when it was there staring me right in the face. the lack 4 on a white square, the curser blinking waiting for me to type in workers names. october 4. next week. in some ways i feel like it’s all too soon and some ways […]

results are in


the song “praise God from whom all blessings flow” has been stuck in my head since 3pm yesterday. i’ll start right out and say that the appointment did no go how we had prepared ourselves for it to go. at all. my big strong man at the doctor we started off talking with our surgeon […]

big day small pebble


today is one of the days we’ve been anticipating and dreading all at the same time. today we are meeting with our otto’s surgeon to talk about the pending surgery and hopefully get it scheduled. i hate the idea of having it on the books because that means it’s actually going to happen but at […]

we have a plan


this week has been a total and complete roller coaster of emotions, plan, doctors etc. we have seriously had appointments every single day for the otter both at home and at helen devos. the biggest one was with the cardiologist on tuesday morning. otto had his echocardiogram (an ultrasound on his heart) and his EKG. we […]

cardiologist appointment update


yesterday was a long day at the helen devos hood. these appointments typically last about 2 – 3 hours not to mention getting there, checking in and of course getting coffee. I swear that starbucks in the hospital has to be the busiest one ever. we got to the appointment early in an attempt to […]

back to the cardio


here we are again heading back in for our routine cardio appointment. i’m not an anxious person typically and i usually thrive on stress but this is a type of stress and anxiety i’ve never experienced before. probably because i never had a kid before haha. i had this conversation with another heart mom the […]

otto updated growing up!


i know my blog has been a bit sporadic and when i do post it’s usually about the tiny love dictator that robs us of all sleep but melts our hearts all at the same time… but that is seriously 90% of my life right now. sure in between feedings, poo poo changes and pumping […]

otto one month


my baby is one month old. technically little otto was one month on sunday but we believe in celebrating for days. time seems to have flown by but been so slow at the same time. i look back and i can’t really imagine life how it was without him. i think i’ve learned more about […]

weekend recap ottos first penthouse trip


the only distinction for me right now between the week and weekend is having papa joe home with us. the days just seem to blur together and just like that otto turned a month old this weekend. joe and i decided it was time to get out of the house which is easier said than […]