
trialed and tested


to say that we’ve been trialed and tested this week is a vast and gross understatement. we haven’t had a week like this since the bat episodes in the fall. let me just give you a run down of what we’ve been dealing with over here at the farm last week friday night our boiler […]

our first trip to the er


the groceries have been bought, the house had been cleaned and we were ready for a weekend of hibernation and then a day away. we were going to watch the olympics friday and saturday and then joe and i were going to have a day away to the east side to do adult things. you […]

tubby time turn around


full disclosure before we kick this off that Summer Infant sent me this bath seat. However, I only post about things that I truly love and this bath seat has been a total game changer for otto. so many of you have seen me using it in our instagram stories and have been asking about […]

weekend hide out


we have officially entered hermit phase here at the albers home. meaning we have spent a majority of our weekend cooped up in our home hide out. the flu and illness is running crazy in west michigan and with ottos g tube surgery less than two weeks away we have to keep him in tip […]

my baby has an awareness month


i remember when we first received otto’s diagnosis this group of “heart moms” reached out to me and offered me this overwhelming amount of support. however my mind was closed. i was not a “heart mom” i was not having a “heart baby” this was going to be a simple blip in our radar, be […]

time is a thief


these past few weeks my posts have obviously been a bit few and far between. that i because honestly time is such a thief. minutes turn to hours turn to days and before you know it another month has gone by. i’m sitting here this morning with a little boy who gets mad if you […]

terrible horrible no good very bad day


i remember that book as a kid. and yesterday was everything including a terrible horrible no good very bad day. the icing on the cake was my devotions that morning were about not losing your temper and finding good in these moments. yesterday… i was just weak. no other way to describe it other than […]

two cookies with Jesus


to say that i have been a total and complete hot mess express since our last cardio appointment would be an understatement. and the strange thing is… why? nothing has changed. seriously, nothing has changed. the leak in his heart is still the same, the rest of the repairs are holding up, he’s going to […]

first check up of 2018


we are heading in to the cardiologist for our first check up of 2018. i can’t believe it’s been an entire month since our last appointment. we went from going weekly when we left the hospital in october to bi weekly to monthly because otto was doing so good. so now we are returning after […]

welcome 2018


welcome 2018. it will still take me 3 months to write 2018 because of habit. it’s amazing how much things can change in just 12 short months. as in how a life can completely flip turn upside down. i don’t mean that in a negative way i’m just amazed at how one day i went […]

our merry little christmas


i am just now realizing i’m starting off most posts with “i can’t believe” and it’s so true. i just can’t believe here joe and i celebrating with baby’s first christmas. and even now, i can’t believe we are getting to spend baby’s first christmas at home. trust me that is something i do not […]

living in the moment


you know what is really really really really hard? this whole concept of living in the moment. i’ve never been good at it. like ever. i’m a what’s next kind of gal. where are we going, what are we doing if A then B. living in the moment, this exact moment? nope. some times it’s […]