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abigail albers

The Latest

Toddler hugging his farm kitty

Can I be honest with you why this post is a little late? It’s because the third anniversary of Otto’s open heart surgery slipped our minds until the day before. We realized it the night of the 3rd that the coming day would make three years since Otto had his open heart surgery. The fact […]

Three Year Heart Surgery Anniversary


yesterday was a big long day at the hospital for us. we got a full in depth tour and explanation of how our otto’s heart surgery day is going to go. i hope that through all of this if anyone else is going through what we are going through they get a chance to read […]

how heart surgery day is going to go


I don’t even have to close my eyes to remember exactly where i was at this time two years ago when otto had his open heart surgery. It was hot and Joe, baby Otto and I went for a walk to dinner in downtown Grand Rapids before we headed to the guest room at the […]

two year surgery anniversary


Family photos To celebrate otto's 2 year anniversary from Surgery

you can add taking your child for surgery to the list of things nobody should have to go through. we are preparing the farm for others who graciously offered to watch it for us, cleaning the house, doing that last load of laundry and packing our bags for the hospital. these tasks are taking me […]

taking your child for surgery


“I can’t believe we’re (expletive) here again” I cried as I walked in to my mom and dad’s house and dropped my bag on their doorstep. We had just come from our twenty week ultrasound at maternal fetal medicine. Our hearts were full of hesitant hope and that quickly diminished as a familiar pattern emerged. […]

Christmas Eve Hope


We had our last (scheduled) doctor visit with Otto for hopefully the rest of the summer and are looking forward to enjoying this time together as a family. Especially this weekend.  We had our final followup with our cardiologist and got the go ahead to go back to daycare and to work starting on Tuesday. […]

Sweet Summer Time


Lake Macatawa Window on the Waterfront

This week has been full of anxiety with Joe and I slowly dipping our toes in the “real world” and getting back slowly to work, well work outside of the home. Joe and I both spent some time in the office this week while the other stayed home with Otto. We decided we are going […]

The Anxiety of Getting Back Into the Swing of Things


Toddler Playing Basketball

Is it just me or do our birthdays seem to come quicker the older we get? today i am the big thirty three and i actually had to double check because I could have sworn I was just 32, or was it 23? Regardless time flies by so fast and I remember when it was […]

three things to let go of in your thirties

Style & Fashion

Pink fur Kate Spade coat with diamond buttons.

I have been feeling the call to share some things that have been on my heart with you today. It’s a big week for us. It’s the 2nd anniversary of Otto’s heart surgery. I went to a prayer breakfast this morning where a friend of mine shared a very personal and vulnerable story with us, […]

Anger and Character


Little Boy at Garden Center Save the Bees Shirt

it’s been a while since i did an update on otto’s feeding progress. he has grown leaps and bounds over my last update so much so that many of my newer followers had no idea he was primarily g tube fed. which based on where we were last year is an absolute blessing. about two […]

otto feeding update


Otto wearing janie and jack on the farm

it’s time for our whatever monthly reality check. we are currently about 4-6 months between cardiology check ups for otto and for about 3.5 of those months it doesn’t cross my mind that much because he is such a funny charismatic toddler. i still have a hard time believing my baby is now a toddler […]

allowing myself to feel


Otto with American Flag at a greenhouse

i should be done being surprised about the twists and turns of motherhood but still, somehow everything seems to still take me by surprise. i feel like each time i mourn the passing of one stage the excitement of the next takes over. however as otto is becoming more and more like a toddler which […]

Toddler Stuff


Toddler in the tulips

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I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
