
Opening the Doors to the shop

The Found Cottage Holiday Open House


Ok we did it. Again. For the eight year in a row. I can’t believe that we have reset a shop for eight holiday seasons. Many of you know that my business partners Liz, Lisa and myself started this store with what was left in our pockets from our booth spaces and a 2,500 square […]

joyful and triumphant


what a day friends what a day! i feel like now we can sit back and relax and really enjoy yet another holiday at HOME. whenever we leave an appointment with otto a song or poem or verse always comes to my head and just joyful and triumphant was just clear as day in my […]

farmhouse parlor holiday decorations


can i just start off by saying that i used to think that a parlor was a worthless space in a house? that is until we had a huge party and i ran out of room to store vintage treasures. this room connects the formal dining rom to the living room. it’s not a hallway […]

cupid otto halloween 2018


i know you’re “supposed to” limit the amount of photos each post has but guys… i couldn’t even begin to choose top 3, top 5, so i just posted all my favorites. i can’t believe we are on a year of seconds! second halloween, thanksgiving etc. it blows my mind and i think i weep […]

easter with otto


there is something so fun about the firsts of each thing with otto. while i had grand plans for the easter bunny, easter baskets… none of that really happened. and that is ok. we had a wonderful time. plus easter isn’t about that stuff anyone (but it still would have been fun to give him […]

our merry little christmas


i am just now realizing i’m starting off most posts with “i can’t believe” and it’s so true. i just can’t believe here joe and i celebrating with baby’s first christmas. and even now, i can’t believe we are getting to spend baby’s first christmas at home. trust me that is something i do not […]

a weekend of traditions


this weekend was a weekend of new traditions. we officially kicked off the holiday season in the albers household. joe and i had many before otto came and we hope to continue those but we also decided to kick off some new ones. one of my favorite things joe and i do around the holidays […]

a nice quiet thanksgiving


yesterday was such a nice quiet thanksgiving with family. isn’t it amazing how long we take to prepare the meal, the table the decor and how it literally takes minutes to devour and destroy the beautiful dishes haha. my mom went all out yesterday making our families favorites, turkey, corn pudding, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, […]

no time limit for thanks


i’m a bit overwhelmed this thanksgiving. i honestly feel that there is not enough time to fit everything that i’m thankful for this year into one singular day. not that i feel like you can only give thanks today no no, but today is like the grand supreme day of being thankful. the past few […]

ottos first halloween


i have never been one to “celebrate” halloween. it’s just not one of my favorites. me? i’m more of a thanksgiving and fourth of july kind of girl. mostly because they surround my two favorite kinds of pie. cherry pie and pumpkin pie. that and i just love the nostalgia that surrounds them. i don’t […]

Holiday Porch Decor


so this is pretty much it when it comes to my christmas decorations. no matter how much i do not feel motivated sometimes (sometimes) i am always eager to decorate my front porch. it’s so welcoming and the first impression of my house (at least before you come in to the entry way which is […]