
finally friday baby shower


i popped open my phone calendar this morning and was absolutely elated to see that the only thing scheduled was my baby shower this sunday. that means almost an entire weekend of NO PLANS! that means almost an entire weekend of hanging out at the farm working in the garden and getting things ready for […]

thirty four


here we are again. seriously the time went by so fast that i skipped right over week 33! the days seem so long but the time just flew by. and now we are at thirty four weeks. that means baby could honestly now really come at any time. my feet say they’d be just fine […]

32 week baby goldfish


now these weeks are really starting to blur together. it’s crazy! as much as i’m ready for little goldfish to be here i just need to stay in there cooking for 8 more weeks. the longer he/she stays in there the stronger it’s heart and lungs will be for the “real world”. it’s been crazy […]

finally friday baby albers


yesterday was another long emotional day for joe, me and baby goldfish. yesterday we had our meeting with the pediatric surgeon that would be doing the surgery on goldfish once he/she is here. it was a very surreal experience because i think we were both kind of hoping that we would go there and it […]

thirty one weeks


things get a little more serious each week. (didn’t i just say that last week?) i don’t know but there is something about not being in the double digits anymore that makes me freak out just a little bit. although i feel we have made a bunch of progress in the past week. we officially […]

thirty weeks


well it’s official i’m no longer in the twenty week stages and have moved into the dirty thirty. which is actually a pretty good name for it. i feel large and in charge. it’s weird how this pregnancy has shifted. i went from being in my first trimester and terrified of losing the baby again […]

answered prayer


to all of our prayer warriors, thank you thank you thank you. yesterday afternoon i had realized that i didn’t have my phone on me. i thought i should check it just to make sure. even though i’ve refreshed the myhealth site like a gagillion times. sure enough missed. call. i think my heart fell […]

29 weeks and praying


it’s hard to believe that an entire week has gone by since we first learned of everything that was going on with our little goldfish. it seems almost like something we’ve known all along if that makes sense? like these possibilities and potential futures have been here with us all along when really it was […]

weekend recap mothers day


i hope you all had a lovely mothers day weekend. what a beautiful weekend to celebrate and reflect. i know this is a difficult holiday for many and you were all in my prayers and i thought about you often. this weekend was a bit of a blur for me. who am i kidding this […]

you made me a mom


for the past few years mothers day has been a bit of a struggle for me and i know many other woman. Halllmark celebrates the tangible motherhood we can see. the type of mom we see on tv, in commercials, in cards, in stories. but it’s so so much deeper than that. i’m starting to […]

assemble the troops


As he went along he saw a blind man from birth. His disciples  asked him, “Rabbi, who has sinned? This man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man or his parents have sinned ,” said Jesus, “But this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”  – […]

28 weeks and counting


i can’t believe that this little goldfish is 28 weeks today. it some respects it seems like such a short amount of time but when i measure things in seasons it feels like i’ve been pregnant since the dawn of time. all things considered i’ve felt pretty good this pregnancy. i’ve had mild sickness and […]