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abigail albers

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yesterday was a long day at the helen devos hood. these appointments typically last about 2 – 3 hours not to mention getting there, checking in and of course getting coffee. I swear that starbucks in the hospital has to be the busiest one ever. we got to the appointment early in an attempt to […]

cardiologist appointment update


i know my blog has been a bit sporadic and when i do post it’s usually about the tiny love dictator that robs us of all sleep but melts our hearts all at the same time… but that is seriously 90% of my life right now. sure in between feedings, poo poo changes and pumping […]

otto updated growing up!


my baby is one month old. technically little otto was one month on sunday but we believe in celebrating for days. time seems to have flown by but been so slow at the same time. i look back and i can’t really imagine life how it was without him. i think i’ve learned more about […]

otto one month


it’s an odd feeling having the weekend knowing that monday is going to be pretty much the same schedule as friday, saturday and sunday was. feed, pump, change diaper, break, repeat. i keep thinking that the weekends i’ll have “off” nope. little otter here is the boss and demands our full attention and schedules at […]

weekend recap rested edition


i feel like each week we make baby steps to achieving a new normal. otto wakes up for his feedings then loves to stay up after dad leaves so i’m usually up by 7am. which doesn’t do me a ton of good because i take the 3am feeding shift but it does give me part […]

finally friday baby steps


well… my kid is sleeping (again) and i am taking a break from sitting and staring at him to share with you my side of his birth story. i shared his here last week but before he came into this world i had a HUGE fear of giving birth. i know it sounds so silly […]

My birth story


can we just talk about yesterday?!?! the most surreal crazy wonderful day of our entire lives. honestly let me start off by saying thank you so so so so so much for the continuous prayers and encouragement throughout the day. there is no way yesterday would have went as good as it did without the […]

welcome to the adventure otto


yesterday was a gift. in all of this, once i found out we were having a c section i prayed, God on top of everything else i have been asking for please just give us the planned part. let joe and i have one more planned out day together to prepare ourselves for the journey […]

pray boldly


today is joe and abby day. joe officially starts his week off today and we are going to spend it together drinking coffee, going back to some of the places from our first dates, farmers markets and a few things around the house. the nursery is set, the bags are (almost packed). the only things […]

joe and abby day


this weekend i just prayed. i prayed God if the goldfish decides to come this weekend let it be and let it be awesome but if it’s ok with you just give joe and i one last weekend as the two of us. i feel a bit like we’ve been given this gift to be […]

weekend recap countdown to goldfish


gulp again. as of today we are officially one week away from having the goldfish. unless it makes a debut before it’s scheduled date. thirty eight weeks officially of pregnancy.  last night my friend aimee and i went and got pedicures and the lady who was giving me a pedicure told me that the signs […]

thirty eight weeks


so tonight joe and i are going to birth class again tonight for session 2 of 4. i’m not going to lie the first one was a little intense. i mean the lady pushed a plastic doll through a knit cervix. that was alot to take in lol. however as corny as it is and […]

why i went to birth class


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I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
