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abigail albers

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i am nesting like a fricken crazy person around the house and no matter what i do nothing seems clean enough, organized enough, anything enough. i had a mini meltdown with joe last night because i said we are just moving $hit from one room to another! and of course it was all his fault. […]

new couch for screen room

House & Home

our first step in getting started on the nursery was to call the exterminator. glamorous i know. and once that was all taken care of (listen, farmhouse problems aka field mice).. once that was all taken care i felt like i could move on to getting started taking care of the nursery. it was a […]

Sheep Nursery

House & Home

ok so i pulled the trigger and officially ordered carpet for the living room and I can’t wait to show you what i decided to go with. warning…. it’s drastic. and some people are going to hate it. but it’s joe and i and he loved it sooooooooo can’t wait. we need more furniture for […]

living room chairs

House & Home

this house is very seasonal. it’s funny how in the winter we migrate to three rooms bedroom, kitchen, living room. when it’s summer it’s bedroom, patio, screen room. the screen room by far stays one of the coolest rooms in the house because it circulates air well and has low hanging fans. it’s pretty toasty […]

screen room update

House & Home

i absolutely love throwing parties. i love entertaining and i love hosting. i used to get really really stressed out over little details but what i’ve come to realize that if you put a little love and creativity into events, the stress isn’t really needed. this past weekend we celebrated the pending birth of my […]

baby shower

House & Home

    i was going to show ya all of my holiday decor in one post but considering i’m posting 15 pictures of my mantle.. i thought best to divide it up even though i only decorated one room. it is kinda sad but totally in line with my personality that i would unpack all […]

my holiday vintage mantel

House & Home

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I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
