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abigail albers

The Latest

i think i am safe to say that i am nearing the end of my flu journey. hopefully it’s the only flu journey of 2018. i managed to make it until mid february so i’d say we’ve had a decent run? i honestly can’t tell you the last time i haven’t left my home in […]

friday flu style


well we knew it was coming. winter is finally here. we enjoyed those 50 degree days in november and december but now as i drove in to town it was 19 degrees with snow and black ice. winter is officially here. not that i mind it. i know it comes every year and aside from […]

winter wonder weekend


so it’s friday and i’m actually for once a little chilly. I get used to these 80 degree summer/fall days and when i finally give in and wear summer clothes still it’s cold. what gives? i’m not complaining though. i love this weather. i am officially ready for fall. this weekend is pretty jam packed […]

finally friday sheep shearing edition

Farm & Garden

i could kiss the ground today. this week has been jam packed and when i say jam packed i mean as tight as you could jam all the jelly in the world into a jar. as tight as all the cars on 131 south can fit at 8:00 monday morning. jam packed. thank God it’s […]

finally friday pentwater edition

House & Home

greetings from chicago! yesterday afternoon my friend shawn and i drove down to chicago to hang out at the godfrey hotel for wolverines fashion night out! we desperately needed coffee because we had a long night ahead of us so we popular paid our way over to cafe integral for some amazing smoked fish toasts […]

finally friday


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Subscribe here for my full growing instructions and favorite varieties. Let’s go get our hands dirty!

How to begin your own flower garden

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I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
