House & Home

House & Home

remember our little humble abode up in pentwater michigan? she is getting new siding! YES new siding AND real windows. after much deliberation it was time to just pay someone and get it done. we’ve owned the place for almost 3 years and it’s just one of those things that needs to be done by […]

pentwater is getting siding!

House & Home

i absolutely love throwing parties. i love entertaining and i love hosting. i used to get really really stressed out over little details but what i’ve come to realize that if you put a little love and creativity into events, the stress isn’t really needed. this past weekend we celebrated the pending birth of my […]

baby shower

House & Home

    i was going to show ya all of my holiday decor in one post but considering i’m posting 15 pictures of my mantle.. i thought best to divide it up even though i only decorated one room. it is kinda sad but totally in line with my personality that i would unpack all […]

my holiday vintage mantel

House & Home

well last night was the final night of loading. today we are going to grab our last few boxes out of the garage and byron center is no longer ours. it was a tiny bit harder than i thought to leave. that was until the bottom of a box of glassware went out and four […]

Our First Home

House & Home

I vowed to only work on one room at a time in the new house but that doesn’t stop me from giving you whats coming up after we “complete” formal dining room. Next project is the farmhouse guest bathroom. Let me give you a status update on that bad boy. This past Saturday morning i […]

farmhouse guest bathroom

House & Home

I have  decided to start tackling this house one wallpapered room at a time. The farmhouse formal dining room wallpaper goes first. The first thing I did was decide how to take down this farmhouse dining room wallpaper. I used a product called DIF and a plastic scraper. I found that two of the walls […]

farmhouse dining room wallpaper

House & Home

big news folks! We bought a farm! i  can finally finally finally finally finally tell you the news! Update: keep up with all the farm renovations here.  we bought a house! for real this time! with inspections, good faith money and contracts. we are moving the 27th of september! (so if you know anyone looking […]

big news! We bought a Farm!

House & Home

I was just finished restoring the old metal sink in our penthouse cottage. I stood back to admire my handiwork and I realized that I put all the handles on backwards. I am not the queen of DIY but I try hard and thank goodness I had previous photos of what the sink looked like […]

penthouse progress: restoring the old metal sink

House & Home

Flea markets are fun, exciting and addicting but can be a bit over whelming. it’s important to have a plan, strategy and supplies. Let’s dive in to how to best shop a flea market. How to shop a flea market: What to bring.  this can make or break your shopping experience. the most important thing […]

how to shop a flea market

House & Home

ah yes the penthouse small cottage bathroom. It feels like for the past year we’ve been doing projects that show little progress but they were much needed. What we continuously thought would be a cosmetic makeover has morphed into a total gut job on this house. Projects like removing mildew, reframing walls, electric,  plumbing, hot […]

penthouse progress the small cottage bathroom

House & Home

We made some more penthouse progress last weekend in the form of our cottage ceiling. We finally got the majority of the ceiling insulated and put the panels up. As much as I really really really wanted those beams exposed, it was more important to me to keep heat and cool air in, especially if […]

penthouse progress the cottage ceiling

House & Home

Progress on the small cottage bathroom has slowed as the snow refuses to give it up and we physically can’t get to pentwater (the snow was up to our waist the last time we went). the winter storm warnings up there is a 2 to 1 ratio. in fact i have an alert they have […]

Small Cottage Bathroom Progress



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