
weekend recap countdown to goldfish


this weekend i just prayed. i prayed God if the goldfish decides to come this weekend let it be and let it be awesome but if it’s ok with you just give joe and i one last weekend as the two of us. i feel a bit like we’ve been given this gift to be […]

finally friday baby moon


well….. this is our last weekend before baby. what?!? WHAT??!?!! this is just nuts to think about but honestly, i don’t think i’ve ever looked forward to a weekend more. we really don’t have anything concrete planned other than a few places that we really want to go. (salt, pentwater, southerner) i know it’s not […]

thirty eight weeks


gulp again. as of today we are officially one week away from having the goldfish. unless it makes a debut before it’s scheduled date. thirty eight weeks officially of pregnancy.  last night my friend aimee and i went and got pedicures and the lady who was giving me a pedicure told me that the signs […]

one year


it’s been one year since i first shared the story of the loss of our first baby. it’s been an odd week. i’ve known this day was coming and i’ve honestly just done my best to shove it aside and try not to think about it. it’s a weird feeling when you have a baby […]

thirty seven weeks


yesterday was wild friends. wild. we went in for our last meeting with the specialist for an ultrasound and check up and yep baby goldfish is breech. head is snuggled right up into my left rib as suspected. little bugger. i knew it going in that it had not flipped it has been stuck there […]

doctor appointment


sorry this post is short and sweet but we are off to the specialist for what i believe is one last appointment before the goldfish comes! we are going to check if the goldfish is still the wrong way or turned and how the overall health is. say a quick prayer that everything is good […]

why i went to birth class


so tonight joe and i are going to birth class again tonight for session 2 of 4. i’m not going to lie the first one was a little intense. i mean the lady pushed a plastic doll through a knit cervix. that was alot to take in lol. however as corny as it is and […]

thirty six weeks


is anyone else completely flipped upside down on their schedules right now? having a random tuesday off has completely thrown me for a loop i woke up today thinking i had to go to church, not because i’ve particularly sinned more than normal but because i thought it was a sunday lol. however it is […]

thirty five weeks


i hope the goldfish is born on a day just like today. this morning (hope i’m not jinxing myself) has been absolutely perfect. woke up early to get chores done, had breakfast with joe with the windows open and then stopped at the holland farmers market before sitting down to emails and a large iced […]

long weekend recap baby shower


let me begin this with saying that i’m ok, baby goldfish is ok, we’re all doing good today but just feeling a little sore and stiff. yesterday did NOT go as i had planned it to go. i mean few things ever really do but in this case. nope. i spent my morning before work […]

finally friday baby shower


i popped open my phone calendar this morning and was absolutely elated to see that the only thing scheduled was my baby shower this sunday. that means almost an entire weekend of NO PLANS! that means almost an entire weekend of hanging out at the farm working in the garden and getting things ready for […]

thirty four


here we are again. seriously the time went by so fast that i skipped right over week 33! the days seem so long but the time just flew by. and now we are at thirty four weeks. that means baby could honestly now really come at any time. my feet say they’d be just fine […]