and just like that it’s friday today. after a full week again of visits and appointments we are ready for some rest and relaxation around these parts. yesterday we had our first big follow up after otto’s surgery. it went about as expected. the leak has not changed. it’s not better but it’s also not […]
i’ve had very mixed emotions entering year 31 today. mostly because reflecting on year thirty exhausts me because it pretty much kicked my ass. physically and emotionally. year thirty gave me some of the most beautiful moments of my life and the absolute hardest moments of my life. i remember this time last year very […]
i have never been one to “celebrate” halloween. it’s just not one of my favorites. me? i’m more of a thanksgiving and fourth of july kind of girl. mostly because they surround my two favorite kinds of pie. cherry pie and pumpkin pie. that and i just love the nostalgia that surrounds them. i don’t […]
i think everyone has a mental breaking point. for me lately it’s not one singular moment but rather a pulsated series of moments filled in with wonderful sparkling moments of hope if that makes any sense. yesterday was one of those mini breaking moments. for starters i’m not a monday person in general never have […]
this weekend we did a whollllle lot of nothing. and by nothing i mean… nothing. i attempted to do things but even that turned in to nothing. i pretty much spent the weekend snuggling otto at my parents cottage binge watching “this is us” and not believing that otto is three months old already. in […]
i’ve been wanting to write this post for a long time. and things became much more clear after we bailed out of the PICU which surprisingly was a completely different experience from the NICU. the more specialist we see and hospital visits we make the more we come to appreciate our time at the NICU […]
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