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abigail albers

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Mother's Day Ideas for Sheltering in Place Safer at Home

Yesterday I was going crazy and had to do something to occupy Otto other than sit him in front of Peppa Pig while I answered more and more emails. It had been a zoom call/stare at your inbox kind of day and with the cold weather this week (and snow) we are all feeling cooped […]

Tips for Celebrating Mothers Day At Home


Mother’s Day is coming up this weekend and this year is going to be so so good. I feel like there has been some pretty dark Mother’s Days in previous years for both myself and some dear friends but this year there is just so much to celebrate. A few friends that have been struggling […]

Mothers Day Gift Guide


Mothers Day Gift Guide

i think we may have started a new tradition for mothers day. or at least maybe i hope that its a yearly tradition. rewind – we were trying to figure out what we wanted to do to for mothers day and thinking maybe hiding out at home or going to pentwater? maybe chicago for the […]

mothers day weekend at the leland lodge


i hope you all had a lovely mothers day weekend. what a beautiful weekend to celebrate and reflect. i know this is a difficult holiday for many and you were all in my prayers and i thought about you often. this weekend was a bit of a blur for me. who am i kidding this […]

weekend recap mothers day


Mother’s day is a day that means so much to me. While it’s nice that Joe and Otto take the time to make the day extra special I truly enjoy reflecting back on my journey to becoming a mom. Even with all of the struggles and heartbreak it has been truly the greatest gift of […]

The Best Mother’s Day Garden Gifts

Farm & Garden

Mothers Day Gift Ideas for the Gardener

When I was a child Mother’s Day was about stringing together a macaroni necklace or gluing some things to a paper with glitter at school, making a special breakfast and celebrating mom. The last 10-12 years of my life… well, it’s been complicated. As we grow up, naturally our eyes are opened to more life […]

Mother’s Day It’s Always been Complicated


Mama T shirt From the Found Cottage perfect Mothers Day Gift

Overnight many small businesses have had to change their strategies. We have had to close our doors to the public, navigate unemployment and small business aide  with tons of loopholes and wait times. But we are doing it! The Found Cottage is moving forward and being creative and adaptive even if it’s not the spring […]

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas From The Found Cottage


Mama T shirt From the Found Cottage perfect Mothers Day Gift

This post has been sponsored by American Greetings. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Mother’s Day is the first day it really feels like summer in Michigan. There is typically a breeze that feels warm on the skin, letting you know that it is chasing away the last remnants of snow and cold. It’s […]

An Extra Special Mother’s Day with American Greetings


Mother's Day with American Greetings

As otto likes to say, “The sun came back today!” we are itching to get our work done so we can go soak up these 70 degree temperatures that the first day of May is bringing us. Many of us are going to be celebrating Mother’s Day while still sheltering in place and that is […]

Gift Guide for The Garden Mama


Mothers Day Gift Guide for the Gardener

i’m seriously considering breaking our rule of you can’t vacation to the same place twice. while that was a good rule for getting out and about in the world there is something about heading to a familiar place and feeling like you are home. i can honestly say that is what the leland lodge feels […]

weekend at the leland lodge


well mom of the year over here is posting this almost a month late but in my defense these photos were snapped just shortly after 9 months. i think this just further proves my point that time is indeed flying by. we’ve been soaking up the warm michigan weather and playing outside as much as […]

otto craig is nine months


the thought of being a mom the past three mothers days have been a complete and change year after year. in 2016 the wound of our miscarriage was still very fresh and raw. it was honestly hard to celebrate and hard to recognize a day dedicated to something that was supposed to be. i realized […]

being a mom


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Subscribe here for my full growing instructions and favorite varieties. Let’s go get our hands dirty!

How to begin your own flower garden

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I'm abigail albers

Wife and mother, antique shopper, entrepreneur, gardener, sheep lady, sequin enthusiast and your Midwest Martha Stewart Wannabe. 

I am collector of collections and hobbies and I’m so excited to share them all with you here on my little slice of the internet. 

Grab a cup of coffee and settle in while I share a bit about who I am. 
